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Health Ranger Store

Health Ranger Store 

• 100% customer satisfaction guarantee on all purchases. If for any reason you are not happy with a product you purchase from us, we will refund or exchange the item for you promptly and professionally.

• 100% privacy. We will NEVER sell your data to anyone. 

• 100% of the products offered in our store are personally reviewed and approved by our founder, Mike Adams (the "Health Ranger"). 

• Absolutely no GMOs. 

• 100% honest marketing: Everything we state about the products we offer is truthful and based in fact. 

• Routine testing for purity of foods at our Forensic Food Lab. We have zero tolerance for dishonest suppliers and contaminated products.

Why Shop at the Health Ranger Online Store?

Healthy Convenience opened our online Health Ranger Store in 2012, in response to our readers' calls for an honest, responsive and competitively-priced provider of health-related products. We built it from the ground up, complete with our own fulfillment center and in-house customer support—all based in the USA. We offer competitive prices on selected nutritional supplements, superfoods, storable foods, preparedness items and more.

Our fulfillment center location provides fast, centralized shipping to both the East Coast and West Coast, and our responsive customer service center provides friendly phone support for customers and fast response times via email or online chat. 

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